Bpm-conseil is proud to announce the availability of Vanilla version 4.4, which leverages the following technologies :
- Hadoop & NoSql support (Etl and Bi modules) : Cassandra, Hbase and MongoDb
- Support for Birt 4.3 Engine and Birt 4.3 Report Designer
- Support for Java 7 / Tomcat 7
- New engines for Workflow and Scheduler
- New smartphone app to design report directly on your Tablets / Support for disconnected mode for Tablets
- Support of the latest databases like MySql (version 5.6), MariaDb (10), Oracle (version 12), PostgreSql (version 9.3) and Microsoft SqlServer2008 / SqlServer2012(including AnalysisServices2012)
- More than 100 new features in differents studios : FreeAnalysisSchemaDesigner, FreeDashboard, BiGateWay, Biworkflow, Enterprise Services, Architect
For more information, please review the new features document.
To get the platform, use the download page.