We are your partner for
Development Projects
Web Applications
Mobile Apps
Custom-made Development
Each project is Unique and that's why we adapt our development methods according to your needs.
Know-How & Experience
We put our expertise to advise and guide you throughout the project. Trust us, we use to do it!
Open Source Solution
We used to work in an Open Source environment. That means :
- Having an clean code
- Being able to integer Open Source components
- Using Open Source Frameworks
- Being at the cutting edge of technologies
- Being curious and open minded
Technologies & Development
Our developers are mainly programming in Java and GWT (Vanilla suite is all written in Java and web Portal in GWT) but others languages are part of the developer’s panel.
We work on Vanilla components and evolution but we work also for specific customers projects (not compulsory in OpenSource field). Thanks to a performant and coherent development team, several skills are part of BPM-Conseil.
Among all this development skills, we can quote some of them : Java (Eclipse RCP), OSGI, Jenkins and SVN, GWT, Tomcat, Android, IOS, R, SQL, Vertical Databases, MariaDB, Hadoop, Yarn and HDFS, HBase, Zookeeper, SolR, Spark, Apache Drill.
![BPM Technologies](/sites/default/files/basicContentImage/Technologies.png)
Project samples
EBOB 2.0, Connected and reactive Purchasing platform
EBOB 2.0 is an online, connected and reactive Purchasing platform which offers to purchasers information, directly taken automatically from Internet, on their shopping cart. We integrated the last technologies (Hadoop, SolR, Nutch) in order to develop an applicative runtime which can be clustered. This runtime extracts information from Internet (financial market places indices, public prices of the products, financial states of the companies ...) using crawling connectors (Apache Nutch) and social hubs and WebServices. These information are integrated, consolidated (Hadoop HDFS, Zookeeper, HBase and SolR) and then analyzed with R and Spark algorithms to display dashboards and simulations on prices evolution, best buying phases and scorings on them. A full data treatment process with non-structured information using BigData technologies for a full Web purchasing platform where reactivity and data analysis are primordial.
AKLABOX: The Ultimate Document Management Experience
AklaBox transforms the way executives manage their business and drives value from the tens of billions of dollars that's been spent on traditional document management systems. AklaBox paves the way for a new document management experience that breaks down the barriers to unleash access to informations, by linking together customers and partners around.
Thermolabo Service is an innovative company, leader in data-logging operations, working with pharmaceutical laboratories. Its mission is to support the Pharmacists Managers, Directors of Quality and/or Logistics anxious to demonstrate a high level of compliance with their obligation to respect the traceability of health products transport conditions.