November 28th, 2023
New version of ANFR Open Data Web Site goes live, power by Data4Citizen
Taking advantage of the development of a new private business module that manage “Easement / Right of Way”, the National Frequency Agency (ANFR), a public institution whose mission is to plan, manage and control the use, including private use, of the public domain of radio frequencies, has renew its confidence to BPM-Conseil to manage its Open Data Platform, powered by Data4Citizen,
The new version of the plateform is now available :
“We would like to thank the ANFR team for the support and confidence. It’s been a long journey together since 2018 and the launch of the initial Web Site. We are proud to provide ANFR with a reliable platform at a fraction of the price of commercial offer” said Patrick Beaucamp, Bpm-Conseil Ceo & Chairman
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