Basse-Normandie and Haute-Normandie have chosen Vanilla!
Télésanté Basse-Normandie deploys Vanilla in the context of its RPU set up.
Indeed, all authorized institutions in emergency medicine must now proceed with a daily transmission of Passage Summary of the ER (RPU), under a ministerial decree of 24 July 2013.
Basse-Normandie has chosen Vanilla platform to meet their needs. Vanilla will perform prospective and retrospective studies on patients treated in the emergency sector in Basse-Normandie region (epidemiological research function).
The platform also serves to generate automatic dashboards on the activity of emergency facilities (health monitoring function).
Vanilla is exclusively based on the emergencies Observatory datawarehouse. It is powered upstream and automatically with the following emergency structures : EMS, SMUR and ER services. The regional observatory emergency is itself an information producer to InVS and ATIH (via RPU files - summaries of emergency ), and to the health facilities for their own monitoring needs and control of their business.